Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall, Friends, and Halloween Fun

Hey everybody! Life is still crazy busy. I survived my first Parent/Teacher Conferences (WOO!) and even got to enjoy a day off afterwards. Thought I would update through pictures (mostly instagram) and am planning a sewing tutorial for the next coming weeks!
Fall go to-J Crew top (from a student for my b-day) and scarf

GO! St. Louis Halloween 5K- #2 for me :)

What a baby...

Visited one of my favorites last month

And took her an owl cookie

Nugget's first 5K-Run for Mercy 5K

BFF's first 5K- #3 for me :)

Chick-fil-A cow was there

Getting ready for a costume party- I went as McKenzie from Toddlers and Tiaras, BFF was Honey Boo Boo

McKenzie and Glitzy the pig

October wore her out!

Happy boy

Helping take down wallpaper

New top, Louis, and some bling

Doing my part as a citizen

October was a really fun, full month. Excited for what's coming in November. This weekend I'll be headed back to Lee's Summit for Friendsgiving and I am counting down the hours! Hope everyone had a good weekend and went to vote today! Until next time...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pumpkin Patch with the Peanut

*WARNING: This post is overflowing with adorable pictures of the cutest baby alive. Look at your own risk. These pictures will make you jealous he's not your baby.*
The BFF and I took her little peanut to a local pumpkin patch this past weekend. It was so fun and we had decent weather. Actually, it was in the 80's...not very fall-like, but at least it didn't rain. I took my nice camera in hopes to capture Nugget's first pumpkin patch experience. And man, did I ever. It's hard to take a bad picture of the little man and with my camera. So, I guess I can't really take credit. ;)
*These are out of order. I apologize.
Ike the pig

Momma and babe

Those lips!!

Love fall!

Haha! He was telling us a story...

Sea of Mums

His mysterious model pose

Smiling at his momma

Nugget hinney!

My painted pumpkins

BFF's painted pumpkins

Bath time with Little Man aka Nugget aka Buddy

This is my all-time favorite of him to date. hahaha if this doesn't make you crack a smile there is something wrong with you... (just kiding, but come on. Looke at that face!)

Sweet boy. Cuddling with his momma.

Excited to be at the pumpkin patch

He loves baths!

So serious...

Okay, that last picture is sad, but has a funny (or sad, depending on who you talk to) story. Every time you sing the ABC's to Zane this is the face he makes. Haha Poor guy hates those dang ABC's. So we no longer sing them to this guy. We want to avoid this face, but had to capture it on camera at least once.

How cute is he?? I seriously can't get enough time with this guy!

Well, folks. The Cardinals just won, hoping they win tomorrow to advance to the World Series. And I need to finish packing since I'm leaving right after work to visit friends for the weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Happy Reading!